Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Kade is 12!!!

 Kade is 12!!! We started off the day with presents in bed. Actually, just the presents from his siblings. He wanted his presents in a scavenger hunt. It was a difficult hunt and took him some time.

He got some Funko Pops which is his obsession this summer. It replaced Pokemon. He also got an RSL hat and RSL sandal slides.

Kade had a friend party this year. From here on out he will get one until he grows out of them. He had his friend party on his birthday. Everyone met at our house for donuts and presents.

Then we went to Splash Summit. Marshall helped me drive boys there. We had quite the group!
Charles, Miguel, Tyson, Aiden, Dash, Jackson, SJ, Zander, and Hayden. 
I picked up pizza from Little Caesars nearby. I also had a cooler of Powerades, box of chips and fruit snacks. I didn't want anyone to be hungry. It was fun but also tricky having so many boys at a water park. Not every boy wanted to ride every slide so it was tricky for Kade. The group was constantly being split up. I think if he did a birthday party here again he would just invite two or three of his closest friends.
That night we went to Chuck-a-Rama for dinner. Hayden got to go with us. 
Kade still loves the Mac n cheese there.

Kade is a fun and energetic twelve-year-old. He started refereeing a few months ago so he got a phone at the beginning of summer. He had to sign a phone contract to make sure he is using it appropriately, plus all of the parent controls on the phone. He has been very mature. Also this summer he has become more independent. He rides his bike to practices and home from summer soccer camp when I can't give him rides. At times he comes out of his picky eating and tries new foods and surprises us all. He loves soccer, Funko Pops and playing on the Switch or games on the phone. Chewie sleeps in his bed most of the time now that James is busier. He continues to be a great friend. He loves going to the temple to do baptisms. His quorum hiked the Y last month and he volunteered to give the spiritual thought. He did a great job coming up with it. He has babysitter the Minis quite a bit in the last year and is a great babysitter. He finished elementary school and is ready to start middle school in the fall.