Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Rose's Orientation Day- and Spa Day

 I had mandatory orientation at Weber State University. Lynnlee was so sweet and woke up early to take my first day of school picture. 

The drive to Weber is one hour which isn't bad. We gathered in this lecture room. I talked to a few of the people around me. They were all so nice. I was the oldest of close to the oldest. I was also the one with the most experience as an RN. Most were four years out of school and a few for ten years. I had everyone beat at 19 years. 
The day went really well and was very informative. I now have a better understanding of what the next two and a half years will be like. 

Lynnlee, her friend Bailey and Sienna were home. I walked in the door from being gone all day and found this cute note and the door way blocked. The note said, "Welcome home! We hope you had a great first day! Go to your room, get comfy and take off your makeup. Meet back here for a fun surprise. See you soon!" There were also slippers to put on.
I changed, took off makeup and got to break through the paper. Then I walked into a relaxing spa. There was nice music playing, a foot bath set up in front of the reclining chair, snacks, reading material and stuff to do a mask and lip mask. She also painted my nails purple with gel polish. We all did the masks together. It was so fun and we laughed a lot!

Lynnlee is so sweet to put this whole thing together for me. Little did I know she had been planning it for weeks. 
After the spa she made dinner and made sure I kept my feet up and relaxed all night.