Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


The Minis are 10!!!

 Tag and Sienna turned 10!!! This year it was Tag's turn to go to Sienna's room for presents. They had individual scavenger hunts for their presents per their request. 

They wanted different breakfast foods. At first I didn't want to make two separate things but they I realized they are individuals and if they weren't twins they would get to pick and have exactly what they wanted. So I made Swedish pancakes for Sienna and egg mcmuffins for Tag. James loved having a huge breakfast. He is in full teenager mode with a huge appetite. 
Sienna got a lot of Funko Pops, scooter board and Benson Boone sweatshirt. Tag got two Super Mario Bros Lego sets. 
Sienna wanted a birthday sash and crown this year. 
Sienna is a bright and happy girl. She is like sunshine and always says hi to everyone. Most of the time she also gives them a compliment too after she says hi. She is still very picky and selective with food. She loves playing with friends. She loves all things crafts, baking, dolls, Legos, and sewing. She also enjoys going shopping with me. She loves going to church and can't wait to be in young women's and go to the temple. 
Taggart is slowly growing. He will eat anything and is a big helper. He loves soccer so much that he joined a club team. He could play every day and not get sick of it. He is growing out of toys but not Legos quite yet. He likes playing video games and other sports when friends come over. He is very loving and caring. He is very brave and will go on every slide at Splash Summit and everything at Lagoon. He loves watching The Middle with me. He loves Chewie even when Chewie doesn't always return the love. Tag loves going to church and can't wait to be in young mens. 
They wanted different things for dinner too. I tried to talk them into the same thing but they couldn't agree. Then I thought the same thing as breakfast. They are individuals. Also, when their birthday is on a week day we usually go out and they agree on the same restaurant. Since it was on a Sunday it was a little different. I knew I could make two entrees for dinner this year because it won't be like this every year. 
Tag chose chicken and rice. Sienna chose Halua Pork and rice. Then we also had veggies, watermelon and Mac salad. It was very yummy. Grandpa and Grandma Lowry joined us for dinner.
They didn't really want cake and we had decided snow cones would be fun. I had my mom's machine so I was planning on making them. Then our neighbors announced they were doing snow cones so we had theirs instead and sang happy birthday. 
It's not a year for friend parties so we need to plan a day for Tag and Sienna to do a special activity with a friend.