Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Lowry Family Reunion

I didn't know if I would make it to the Lowry Family Reunion this year. It was the weekend before stake young women camp and I was stressed out of my mind. I decided I could go if I came home early Saturday because that would give me time to get ready. So we took two cars to Bear Lake. We all stayed in an Airbnb that was a cabin on the southwest side of the lake. 

We went souvenir shopping before dinner. This was next to a store. You can stay in these wagons. I took a picture because I thought it was so fun.

This was the favorite souvenir shop. Blue Clothing Company. So many cute clothes.
I took this picture to show the boats along the walls of the store with displays in them. 
Those who didn't want to go shopping went fishing. 
Outside the Blue Clothing Company
The last souvenir shop we went to was our favorite.
Half of us ate at Hometown Drive In and half ate at Cafe Sabor. We were all going to go there but the line was too long. We all met back up at the cabin and hung out.
Weird thing about the cabin was all of the broken glass we kept finding in the room we were staying in. Kade, Nika and I all got cut from it. 
Saturday we got up early and went to the North Beach.
The water was cooler but not bad. It got really hot so it felt refreshing.
James went to North Beach with Eric and so he did his run from there. I headed out for my run after we got there. I passed him about a mile out. You can barely see him in the middle of this picture.
I did a terrible job at taking pictures. We enjoyed swimming, paddle boarding, kayaking and lounging on the beach. Rich brought jet skis so everyone had fun taking turns on those. 

I got a bad sunburn down the front of my legs down to my feet. 
We had a fun white elephant exchange on Friday night. Kade got these fun socks.
After dinner we went out for raspberry shakes at La Beau's. Tag was doing his swagger face.
Saturday morning James and I got up and went running. We did not run together though as he is way too fast for me. It was a beautiful morning and I really enjoyed my run. 
Lynnlee and I left after breakfast so I could get back to do camp prep. Marshall stayed with the rest and they went to Minnetonka Cave. Sienna got these cute sunglasses from a nice lady at a souvenir shop. She complimented the lady on these sunglasses. The lady was the one wearing them. A little bit later the lady asked Sienna if she would like them. 

Minnetonka Cave
It was a successful family reunion. The boys got home later that night.