Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


4th of July

I can definitely say this was one of my most favorite 4th of July celebrations yet. We made plans but I wasn't sure if I would have had the twins and didn't get my hopes up for the day because I was suppose to work. 

We usually go to breakfast at Bulldog Field. Every year I say we should go early enough to see the hot air balloons launch but then we never do. This year I really wanted to get there early. I figured it would be easier this year with 3 kids than next year with 5. We woke up right at 6:00 and got there in time to see the majority of them take off. We found a spot on the field over by the area where they serve the pancake breakfast. It was perfect because we got our breakfast and sat on the grass and watched them take off and land. It was really fun to see my kids' reactions. They loved it. There was fun music playing that they danced to and it added to the fun atmosphere. 

The pig balloon was the family favorite.

I ended up not having to go into work but being on call so I was so grateful to spend the afternoon and evening with my family. Our neighborhood organizes The Cul-de-sac of Fire every year. It did not disappoint this year. It started off with water activities and carnival games for the kids.

That was followed by a BBQ, bike parade and fireworks. My kids were all happy the whole night. Kaden and Lynnlee didn't like the fireworks but they still stayed and sat by me and were good sports.

James and his friend Ella.

There are lots of kids in our neighborhood. These are just some of them watching the fireworks.