Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Set Backs

There's always got to be a set back when trying to leave the hospital, right? I came to the hospital excited to take Sienna home today. She passed her car seat test and other screenings. The only hiccup was her bilirubin. They checked it yesterday morning and her level hadn't come down. So they put the lights on her and rechecked it this morning. Yesterday the doctor said if she was under 11 then she could come home. Her level today was 10 so she should have been good to go. Today there was a different doctor and he said he wanted to check her level tomorrow and then she can go home. I'm definitely disappointed but since Taggart is there until tomorrow it's ok knowing that they will be there together.

She was a champ during her car seat test. She looks so little.

The plan is for Taggart to come home tomorrow. So far he is doing great and there shouldn't be anything to get in his way of going home.

I really hope they both get to come home tomorrow!