Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Kaden's 2nd Birthday

Kaden turned 2! We celebrated with my family on Betsy's birthday. It was one big July birthday party. It was so much fun. Jack took care of Kaden and played with him. It was so cute watching them together.

I had the Minis the day before Kaden's birthday which meant I was still in the hospital on his birthday. My mom brought him to visit and then took him to Kangaroo Zoo with his cousins.

After I got out of the hospital we celebrated his birthday as a family. We had a fun dinner, he opened presents and then we finished it off with cake and ice cream.

Kaden loves tractors. He points them out everywhere we go. Most his presents had something to do with tractors.

Happy Birthday to such a fun and energetic boy. He is the comic relief in our family and always finds ways to make everyone laugh.