Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


The Minis at Two Weeks

The Minis are two weeks old. It felt like the longest two weeks while they were in the NICU. The NICU was a blessing in that they were feeding them around the clock while I was at home getting a pretty good amount of sleep just waking up to pump one time a night. Now the Minis sleep 6 hours at night so I feel like we were lucky and got off easy not having to feed them around the clock. Marshall helps me feed them at 11:00pm and then again at 5:30am. He and Taggart have it all figured out. Marshall has him fed, burped, diaper changed and back to bed in twenty minutes.

They love being swaddled and sleep better when they are swaddled up.

They got the cutest outfits from my friend. Even though I'm not a photographer I decided to try a few shots just for fun.

Kaden has adjusted very well considering he gets less attention now. He always wants to hold them and anytime they make a peep he is the first at their side.  Don't get me wrong, he definitely has had his moments when he wants attention so he dumps his cereal bowl on the ground on purpose or squirts toothpaste everywhere but it could be worse.

James has daily cuddle/bonding time with Taggart.

Lynnlee reminds us daily that Sienna is her favorite.