Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life



Growing up we had an elf that watched us and reported to Santa. He stayed in the same spot everyday and it was always fun pretending he was a real elf. I really wanted to get an elf for my little family a few years ago when Elf on the Shelf came out but I didn't want to pay for that. (it's expensive for a red, lurpy stuffed doll!) I also waited until the last day of November to do anything about it. I went to Target that night and looked all over for any kind of doll or stuffed animal resembling and elf. Thankfully I found Hermey from Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer. It was perfect and 1/8 the cost of an Elf on the Shelf doll.

Buddy, as we call him now, appeared the next day and has been coming back every December 1st since then. Well, except for this year. My children were fighting all day November 30th, not helping out, etc. It was truly a bad day and discipline wasn't helping. I even threatened that Buddy would not come if they continued acting this way. They didn't believe me but true to my threat Buddy did not come on December 1st. Instead he sent a note. The note explained why he had not come. He said if they could behave better then he could come. Thankfully my kids were happier all day so he came on December 2nd.

For family night we put together candy count downs for James, Lynlee and Kaden. You would think Kaden would have been more thrilled to make such a delicious count down but he was too mad that he couldn't eat all the candy right then. It pained him to watch all those candies get wrapped up without getting to sample them.

James strategically placed his chocolate treats in the order he wanted.

Alas the countdowns were hung on Monday night and on Tuesday morning Buddy appeared hanging around them.

On Wednesday he was parachuting and got stuck on the fan. He had a nice soft landing of packaging bubble pouch thing-a-ma-jigs (that's the official name right?). So the kids got to jump around and pop them. Buddy is a smart guy and turned the fan off so he couldn't be spun off. There is a rule against touching Buddy because he could lose his magic.

On Friday Buddy turned the milk blue. Buddy is a good elf and this is all in good fun. He never makes messes like some elves. This is the extent of his shenanigans.

On Saturday Buddy was found reading stories to all of his stuffed animal BFFs. He is one popular guy.

And so it goes every day with a new adventure for Buddy. It's fun and I love seeing how excited my kids are every morning to find Buddy.