Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life



Lynnlee found a hobby she loves. She started going to dance class in October and loves it. I know nothing about dance and so my sisters have been very helpful. I called Ali when Lynnlee first went and asked her what Lynnlee should wear and what order each went on. I could tell you anything about soccer or basketball but when it comes to dance I feel so clueless. I always wanted to take dance when I was in elementary school but it wore off once I was in middle school and started playing basketball. It's was sports for me forever after that.

Lynnlee was too shy to practice her routine for me or anyone. She told me she would only show me but unfortunately it is a rare occasion when I am by myself without the minis or Kaden. She wouldn't even let the minis see. She is a funny girl and very stubborn. The dance class is held in a classroom without windows so I couldn't watch her or help her with the routine.

I thought for sure she would be one to stand on the stage and not dance during the recital. As the recital got closer she asked me why she had to have a recital and didn't seem excited for it. She loved the look of the costume but when she wore it, it felt itchy and bugged her. It wasn't looking good for a successful recital.

My sisters Ali and Betsy did her hair and make up. Something I'm also not great with. I feel like I barely know how to do my own hair and make up. Ali came Thursday and did it for the dress rehearsal and pictures.

Betsy came Friday and did it for the recital. They both did an amazing job!
Lynnlee actually danced at the rehearsal and recital. She did a very good job and remembered most of the dance. She really enjoyed herself and it was fun seeing her so happy. It is also the same way James looks after playing soccer. It is fun to watch my kids find things they love and seeing how happy they are doing them.