Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Gingerbread Houses, Barns, Shacks

Blogging has become my new hobby (if you couldn't tell by the almost daily posts). I have had to take a break from a lot of hobbies because of the good change of having TWO babies at the same time but it's all good. It's forced me to explore new hobbies and find new things that add satisfaction to life. I don't know about you but whenever life changes I go through a shaky period of time and my emotions are a roller coaster. Then I slowly find my footing again and find a schedule and new activities to keep me grounded.

Sunday we decorated gingerbread houses, barns, shacks, or whatever you want to call these. I went with a new approach this year. It really adds up buying the premade kits so I made my own. My sister recommended hot glue to put keep the graham crackers together. My kids never eat the graham cracker part anyway so it worked out really well.

Then I made royal frosting which is basically edible glue. It seriously is strong stuff! I told my kids they can eat the candy off their houses but they can't get it off so it's a win for me.

Our friends the Tibbs joined us for our yearly tradition. It was a fun night!