Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life



Most of the time the first words out of Lynnlee's mouth are usually, "Remember when you said..." Then followed by, "We never did that and you SAID we would." She remembers everything. It seems like even more now there are times I tell her we will do something and then we don't get to it. In November I told her we could play hopscotch outside (it was during the really nice summer weather). We ended up not doing it and she still remembers it and tells me. She holds everything against me and I feel so bad. I now usually don't promise her anything unless I know for sure we can do it or I give strict stipulations and conditions for a hundred other things that have to happen before we can do something. That way I'm not always having to say no every time.

I was regretting telling her she could see Santa at the ward party after he showed up a half hour late, he was missing teeth and had his teenage daughter elf (pictured below) with him chomping her gum with her belly hanging out (not pictured).  Lynnlee refused to sit on the nice looking, non creepy Santa a few weeks ago at the Edge Homes open house. (Pictured below with James). Of course she had to pick the scariest looking one that was found on KSL classifieds with no back ground info, to be the Santa who's lap she would sit on. This girls has it totally backwards! She is so shy to family but will talk to strangers at the store.

The rest of the night was successful thankful to ward members holding the minis, no major spills, my kids ate a majority of their dinner which never happens and there was minimal crying. The primary kids sang and did the nativity.