Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


One Summer Day

 One hot summer afternoon Kaden wanted to go fishing. He didn't have anyone to go with. Lynnlee, Sienna, Taggart and I went with him to the pond down the street. We sat in the shade while he fished. While we were sitting there a bunch of cows came out of the trees from who knows where and started grazing all around us. 


We were there for about an hour and he wasn't catching anything and it was really hot. It was kind of a sad and boring afternoon. I don't remember why it just felt so dismal. So we decided to go get snow cones. 

Kaden, Sienna and Taggart all lost a large portion off their snow cone. They just crumbled and fell to the ground. It was so crazy! It wasn't even like they tipped them or bumped them. Kaden's was like half his snow cone so he took it back and they gave him a new one. It's like the person making them didn't pack it down or something. It's funny how I usually don't take my kids to buy snow cones because it ends up being pricey with all of us. Then the time we finally do "splurge" it ends up being a bad deal. Same thing happened with Papa Johns. I usually think its the best pizza but we never buy it because it's more than the Dominos $5.99 deal or Little Caesar's $5 deal. So one day we splurge on Papa Johns and the pizza was burnt and seemed like it sat out an hour before it was pick up time. So lame!