Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


First Day of School!!!

 At the beginning of summer I really prayed hard about whether to send my kids back to school. They all wanted to go back but I wasn't sure what would be best for them.  Mostly I was worried about Lynnlee and how the mask would affect her oxygen saturation. She had her annual cardiology appointment scheduled but it was after the due date for declaring if my kids would be going to school in person. I decided to do my own test. One evening I had her wear a mask for about an hour. During that time I checked her oxygen saturation every 10 minutes or so. It fluctuated slightly but never went too low. So I had peace of mind about sending her to school. Most of our school shopping this year consisted of new masks.

Jameson- 7th grade

Lynnlee- 5th grade - Ms. McNeil

Kaden- 3rd grade - Mrs. Terry

Taggart and Sienna- 1st grade - Ms. Dean

Lynnlee, Kaden, Taggart and Sienna get on the bus at 7:30. Then James's bus comes at 7:44.
So the mornings are busy from the time everyone wakes up at 6:30 until they all get on the bus. We pack in breakfast, making lunches, scriptures, and doing hair. You have to stay on top of everything and not waste a second because the time just goes by so fast. 

After they all got on the bus I felt sad but also felt relief that schools were able to open and they could feel mostly back to normal. Kids need to socialize and there are so many little things learned from being at school that you just can't duplicate at home. I have been reading a lot of dog training books. One talked about the importance of socializing your puppy with other puppies/dogs at a young age. Otherwise they struggle around other dogs as they get older. The more I thought about it the more I realized how much humans are the same way. We need to be social and learn how to get along with others from a young age and then keep up those skills. I just can't duplicate that with home school.

The quarantine was bad for me because I got to be antisocial which is totally in my introverted comfort zone. It totally didn't help my New Years resolution to be more outgoing. Hopefully as things get back to normal I can work on my New Years resolution again.