Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Jameson's Friend Birthday Party

We have a friend party every other year or so. This was the year for Jameson. He was so excited that he had it all figured out by the beginning of summer.

We had it at Neptune Park in Saratoga Springs. It isn't too far from our house and it has plenty of open space and a really fun playground. 

We started off with nine square.


Then we took a break and had pizza.


Then we had an exciting game of Capture the Flag. They played through the playground which made it pretty interesting.

Next he opened presents. For dessert he didn't want cake and ice cream but instead wanted homemade oreos. That was much easier to take to a park and serve so I was grateful for that.

We finished off the night with soccer. I was so happy it all went so well. The boys all had fun, the weather was perfect and the park wasn't crowded so we had plenty of room.