Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Labor Day Weekend

Marshall and James left Thursday of Labor Day weekend to hike King's Peak. Friday night Lynnlee and Sienna were invited to a girl's night with Ali and Katelyn. They got to eat out, watch a movie and paint nails.


Saturday we went to the Scera pool. Ali has a new twelve passenger van that all of the kids got to ride in to the pool.

We stayed over in Midway Sunday to Monday at Grandpa and Grandma Lowry's. Miranda's family was there so all of the cousins had fun. We were planning to go kayaking Monday but the air was smokey and the wind made it colder so we decided to go to Hang Time instead. We went straight from Midway and since we had Chewie with us I volunteered to drop them off and hang out at home. I'm not much of a fan of jumping on trampolines ever since having kids and the damage to my insides. Sorry if that is TMI. So the tricky thing about me heading home was that I was pulling the trailer with the kayaks. I have no problem driving it but I hadn't back it up successfully before so I was pretty stressed about how I would back it up by myself at home. I said a prayer and then I watched some YouTube videos with tips for backing up trailers. Then I prayed that if I couldn't do it that there would be a neighbor home who could help me. The biggest tip from the YouTube videos was to keep my hand at the bottom of the steering wheel instead of the top. That way you can remember if you want the trailer to go right you move your hand right, if you want it to go left you move your hand left. When I got home there was one neighbor out so I figured I would try it on my own first but if I couldn't do it then I would ask him. With the tip I learned I was able to successfully back up the trailer and unhook it from the car all by myself. I was so happy. Seriously though, it made my day! It's funny how such a small, silly thing can boost your confidence.